середа, 16 жовтня 2013 р.

Three pics

I think today on the plane was the first time this year when I felt myself completely peaceful and relaxed. I spent my holidays (two great weeks) in Ukraine, and it helped me to restart my mind. Also the question of where my home is became actual only now; the border guard made me realise that:

- Purpose of your visit? Business trip?
- ...going home...

Well, this dialog will work on both borders :)

So, what was I actually doing? Here are three pics to explain.

1) I spent hours on the back seat of my parent's car, visiting places of my childhood and spending time with my mom and dad.

2) Yeah, the most important part -- I was basically sleeping and eating most of the time (btw, finally could sleep without pills). Now I REALLY need to mind what I'm eating in Ams, and to work out a lot.

3) I was also going out -- hello night clubs! I've missed you at the lib!

4) And the very main reason of my trip -- I met my friends. These are people who make me feel confident, beloved and happy just by sitting next to me, joking around and chatting about everything in the world. It felt so good to hug them, and just to hear familiar voices.
I love you so...

And of course Kiev surprises me a lot still. A stranger reading me poetry in the middle of the night on Kreschatik, a stranger presenting a teddy bear and flowers at the restaurant; I've also unexpectedly participated in the business negotiations (btw it was lots of fun). And all the beautiful, nice and open people in the country - I like you.

See you soon Kiev,
With love,

четвер, 5 вересня 2013 р.

My life lately

I fall when running yesterday. Actually that's not the best starting sentence but that's why I'm writing here finally. My knee really hurts, so I'm trying not to move much. Hope it's nothing serious.

So, what has changed in my life since February, 26, when I had my last
blogpost here? A lot. I spent 3 challenging months in London, visited Ukraine, realised that many things have changed there, came back to Amsterdam. Finished all my studies, lived in the library for a while finishing my thesis. Actually I got 9.0 (A+) for it, so hard work (and it was super-hard work even for such a workaholic as I am) pays off.

Now I'm waiting for my graduation ceremony on September, 17th, which is not gonna be festive at all. Just 5 students (actually 4, cause one has left town already lol) giving 5min presentations on their theses, and then getting a piece of paper (I mean diploma). Everything happens in the morning, and it takes an hour or so. Meh-meh...Well, at least I may buy a nice dress for the event.

I have also applied for a 'search year' here, in the Netherlands, which means that a recent graduate can stay in the country and work for a year after graduation. Can't say anything else about my job perspectives or the country I'm gonna live in, basically cause I don't know it myself.

And as a conclusion...I got one of the best compliments yesterday, and I want to believe it was sincere :)
'I have never seen anybody who would just stand up, smile and continue the run after such a fall. And I've seen a lot of runners'.

Isn't it cute? :)

вівторок, 26 лютого 2013 р.


Я переехала жить в Лондон. Чувствую себя здесь как дома. Хотя как дома выходит уже в любом городе.
Опять все сначала - ищу круг общения, занятия помимо учебы, спортзал, супермаркет, тихое кафе и любимое место в библиотеке. Как мало студенту нужно.
А вообще непривычно, что ты понимаешь о чем говорят люди на улицах, поначалу оборачивалась, мол "о, иностранцы приехали". Ан-нет. Местные.
Британцы приветливые, работают больше голландцев и спешат тоже больше. Сесть на велик я бы не рискнула (даже если бы у них было правостороннее движение), а вот к чтению в транспорте смогла вернуться.
Еще у меня вопрос: почему Лондон известен своей плохой (=дождливой) погодой, а в Амстердаме она хуже? Вообще у меня еще много вопросов, которые нужно выяснить.

А пока вот красивая фоточка из тырнета:

П.С. После просмотра любимого Шерлока в черных кэбах таится что-то зловещее. Ох-ох-ох-хо-хо